SUDAMLAB for your Avionics Certification

항공인증 컨설팅ㆍ교육ㆍ내부감사(PA/QA)ㆍDER 감사 지원ㆍ글로벌 스탠다드 기준(FAA/EASA)
( ARP4754 | ARP4761 | DO-254 | DO-178 | DO-278 | DO-330 | DO-331 | DO-332 | TSO ... )

SUDAMLAB Suggestions

항공인증 대응에 대한 수담연구소(SUDAMLAB)의 제안사항
(글로벌 스탠다드 기준 적용 | 실무 대응 역량 내재화 | 인증 주체간 동일 기준 및 철학 유지)
Mobirise Website Builder
Global Standard - FAA

- FAA/EASA/ICAO: Commercial
- Certification/Compliance/Qualification
- Aircraft/System: ARP4754A/ARP4761
- Avionics Hardware: DO-254
- Avionics Software: DO-178C

※ Certification Authority(FAA) confirmation

Mobirise Website Builder
UAM/AAM - Industry

- Global Standard: FAA/EASA
- Difference among Countries/Programs
- Joby + FAA Development/Certification
: Part 23 + Special Condition

- Aircraft/System: ARP4754A/ARP4761
- Avionics HW/SW: DO-254/DO-178C

※ Certification Authority(FAA) confirmation

Mobirise Website Builder
Dev + Cert & Engineering

- Aircraft Domain vs Other Industry Domain
- Guidance & Official Data: mandatory
- References & Whitepapers: recommend
- Safety Assessment: FDAL/IDAL
- Tools & Tool Qualification & Qualification Kit
- COTS(RTOS, IP ...) & Certification
- DER Audit & Internal Audit(PA/QA)
- Gap analysis(during Training - recommend)

※ Objective & Evidence based

10 Suggestions through ASSK2024 Paper

"10 Suggestions for Avionics System Hardware and Software Development and Certification Approach"
Paper 01
1. Reconsideration of Aviation Industry Attributes
Paper 02
2. Safety Assessment for whole Development and Certification Process
Paper 03
3. Aircraft/Systems /HW/SW Development Synchronization
Paper 04
4. Common Philosophy among Development and Certification Stakeholders
Paper 05
5. Identify and Define Existing Development Process
Paper 06
6. Resource Optimization based on Requirements
Paper 07
7. Activities based on Evidence
Paper 08
8. Leverage Aviation Industry References
Paper 09
9. Monitoring for Tech/Rules/Guidance Changes
Paper 10
10. Maximize Competitiveness through Global Capacity
ASSK2024 Paper
ASSK2024 Paper
(Official Submit)
ASSK2024 Presentation
ASSK2024 Presentation
('24. July 05)


수담연구소(SUDAMLAB) 컨설팅/교육/내부감사 등의 서비스 소개
(사전 미팅을 통한 현황 파악 및 세부 논의 추천)
Mobirise Website Builder

Topics for Avionics HW/SW Certification

- Avionics Certification Strategy Check
: Target/Regulation/Status/Gap/Option ...

- Aircraft/System Development/Certification
+ Safety Assessment Process/Methods
: ARP4754 + ARP4761(for DO-254/DO-178)

- Avionics HW Certification: DO-254
- Avionics SW Certification: DO-178C/DO-278
- UAM/AAM Certification: ex) Joby + FAA
- Official/Industry Reference Documents
- Tool + Qualification Kit Check for Cert
- DER Service and DER Audit for Certification

※ recommend pre face-to-face meeting

Mobirise Website Builder
Training | Seminar

Avionics Certification Training/Seminar

- Prior meeting for topics inc. Consulting items
: audience, schedule, place, on/offline ...

- General/Primary/Mid/High Level
- Background/Philosophy/Insights/Consistency
- Check status and Gap analysis

※ recommend pre face-to-face meeting

Mobirise Website Builder
Internal Audit(PA/QA)

Internal Audit(PA/QA) & DER Support

- DO-254 Internal Audit SOI#1, 2, 3, 4
- DO-178 Internal Audit SOI#1, 2, 3, 4
- Internal Audit Report: Submission for DER Audit
- Briefing and Consulting Internal Audit Findings
- Audit Reference: FAA Job-Aid

※ based on DER agreement
- Support DER Audit: Translation & Minutes
- Briefing and Consulting DER Audit Findings

※ recommend pre face-to-face meeting

Consulting/Training/Seminar Topics Example

(사전 미팅을 통한 현황 파악 및 세부 논의 추천 - 교육/세미나 비용: 국책과제 전문가 활용비 수준에서 협의 | 업체 방문/원격 교육)

- Check the variables including company/team status, Certification Authority, regulation/guidance/reference based on Global Standard(FAA/EASA)
- Suggest/Recommend possible options to consider, Check the current/intended solutions/tools

- ARP4754A/ARP4761(for DO-254/DO-178C), DO-254, DO-178C, DO-278C, DO-330, DO-331, DO-332, DO-297 ... (recommend pre-learning)
- FAA Order, FAA AC, EASA AMC, EASA CM, TSO/ETSO, Industry reference, Whitepaper ... (recommend pre-learning)

- Overview, background, philosophy for Avionics Certification(ARP4754A/ARP4761) including Avionics HW/SW Certification(DO-254/DO-178C)
- UAM/AAM Development/Certification example: Joby + FAA

- Tool Qualification decision for DO-254/DO-178C/DO-330, Understanding Tool Qualification Kit and how to use/apply
- Precheck whitepapers or data from Tool company before purchasing

- Overview, Design Assurance, Processes, Objectives, Outputs(Evidence), DER Audit SOI#1, 2, 3, 4, Internal Audit SOI#1, 2, 3, 4 ...
- Suggest/Recommend Gap Analysis through Training sessions

- Overview, Development Assurance, Processes, Objectives, Outputs(Evidence), DER Audit SOI#1, 2, 3, 4, Internal Audit SOI#1, 2, 3, 4 ...
- Suggest/Recommend Gap Analysis through Training sessions

Mobirise Website Builder


Consultant: Suyoung Jeong | Contacts  |

- DO-178C/DO-254 SOI#1 Internal Audit and Consulting
- Automotive(ISO26262, ASPICE)/Avionics SW(DO-178C) Certification Gap Analysis
- DO-178C/DO-254 Pre-SOI#4 & SOI#4 Internal Audit and Consulting
- DO-178C/DO-254 SOI#2, #3 Internal Audit and Consulting
- DO-178C(& DO-330) POST-SOI#4 QA Activities (DER involvement)
- DO-178C/DO-254 SOI#1, #2 Internal Audit and Consulting
- DO-178C(& DO-330), SOI#3, SOI#4 QA Activities (DER involvement)
- DO-178C SOI#1, #2 Consulting and QA Activities (DER involvement)
- DO-178C SOI#1, #2, #3, #4 Internal Audit and Consulting
- DO-178C QA Activities (DER involvement)
- ARP4754A Guidance translation publication(2023, not for sale)
- Airborne Electronic Hardware Design Assurance: A Practitioner's Guide to RTCA/DO-254 | translation publication(2021)
- Developing Safety-Critical Software: A Practical Guide for Aviation Software and DO-178C Compliance 1st Edition | translation publication(2020)
- Training/Seminar(ETRI, KIAST, TTA, HYUNDAI, HANWHA Systems ...)
- SW Programming(mobile, desktop)
- Adjunct Professor, Gyeongsang National University(2021 ~ 2024)
- Naver blog | Tstory

Mobirise Website Builder
DO-178 Original | Translation

(Blog - Info | Index)
Mobirise Website Builder
DO-254 Original | Translation

(Blog - Info | Index)
Mobirise Website Builder
ARP4754A Original | Translation

(Blog - Open)
Mobirise Website Builder
DO-178/DO-254 Original | Translation(2nd)
(Blog - Open)


컨설팅/교육 전담: 정수영(Suyoung Jeong) 연구소장

Phone | Email

+82 10 5220 6367

Business Registration Number | Address

509-17-01601 (Republic of Korea)
(41431) 104, Palgeocheondong-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea

Business trip | Meeting

Offline(face-to-face) | Online(ZOOM)

Q & A

항공인증 관련 개인/업체 문의, 상담/미팅 신청, 방문 요청, 업무 협의/제안 등
(전화 통화를 원하시는 경우 'Message'에 전화번호를 남겨주세요. | 담당: 정수영 연구소장)

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